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Our annual awards were handed out at the Annual General Meeting in September 2022

The Morgan Key was awarded to Jim 2E0GKN, for running of informal Monday net and Tuesday AM club net. Jim was also awarded the Stan Cook shield for his winning entry in the basic section of our Construction Competition (6 Amp Variable PSU).

The G3MA Operating Trophy was awarded to Barry M0HFY, as leading station in Winter 2021/22 Operating Challenge.

The Miller Cup went to Arron M0HNH, Winner of 2022 DF Competition.

The DF Shield went to Graeme G0EEA, Runner-up in 2022 DF Competition.

A Gares shield was awarded to Anne 2E1GKY, for taking over running of Friday 70cm club net.

A Gares shield was also awarded to Tony G4CMY, for taking on the formatting of the GARES Bulletin.

The following awards were made to people who were not at the meeting:

  • Merit Shield to Tony G4HBV, for running club DF Hunts for many years
  • Kingscote Shield to Mike G6OTP, for his winning entry in the advanced section of our Construction Competition (Digital Amateur TV Transmitter)

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