Problems with newer Velleman Kit and various PC serial ports.

I have been informed of incompatibilities between newer Velleman K8048 systems and some PCs. The problem appears to affect laptops and USB to serial adaptors but it may not be limited to these systems. When attempting to load the .HEX file into the chip, a message saying "not initialised" appears.

Although I have not seen the problem myself, it has been reported to me by a reliable source and there are details on the Velleman forum web site

Well this is one where I don't have a direct answer. You can try using a different computer or you can try and find an answer on the Velleman forum. I'm guessing here but, the Velleman K8048 relies on negative voltages from the serial port to return its signals to the PC. If the PC is playing the same game then nobody is getting any voltages. This trick has been used for years and it works as long as one side is a 'real' RS232 port.

I also teach PICs at my local technical college and we have moved away from the Velleman system to a system from Mikroelektronika. This uses a USB port to connect to the computer. However, the Mikroelektronika EasyPIC4 boards (which we use) are considerably more expensive that the Velleman systems.

I still use the Velleman kit at home. I would take it in to college but none of the college PCs have a working serial port. The newer machines don't have them and they have been disabled in the older ones to stop the students playing around with them.

Further information:
I hope that this page helps you with your projects but if you have found any other problems or if you have any further questions please contact me though the email address of gares-AT-g4aym-DOT-org-DOT-uk.

Sorry about the email address but it seems to be the only way to avoid the spammers

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