Project 2 - Morse Key
Project 3 - Automatic Morse Generators
Incorrect Configuration Word

When compiling these programs with MPASM, the configuration word is included in the program and this is incorrect in the listings.

Change the first line of each program from __config 3ff8 to __config 3ffb.
Note that there are two underscore characters before config.

The setting that is in the book configures the chip to use a Low Powered (Ceramic) oscillator and not an RC (resistor/capacitor) oscillator.
Other Projects:
This change affects all projects that use an RC osillator but do not affect those that use a crystal oscillator. For RC, the configuration word should end with the letter 'B' and for a crystal oscillator with a 'A' for high speed (14MHz or 20MHz crystals) or '9' for 4MHz crystals.

Further information:
I hope that this page helps you with your projects but if you have found any other problems or if you have any further questions please contact me though the email address of gares-AT-g4aym-DOT-org-DOT-uk.

Sorry about the email address but it seems to be the only way to avoid the spammers

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