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Amateur Radio

Certificates from National Contests

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The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) organise a number of contests each year. These include a number of “Field Days” where stations must use temporary antennas and are not allowed to use mains power.

In 1934, working together with Cheltenham and Bristol amateurs, we won the first National Field Day.

By 1957, there were also contests for the individual frequency bands as well. We won the 3.5MHz (80m) band contest.

By 1998, the RSGB had introduced different sections to the field day contests. Whilst some groups go for high power, large aerials and multiple receivers we have always entered the “restricted” or “low power” section, which places restrictions on these items. In 1998, we won the 14MHz (20m) Restricted section.

1999 and we were not only leaders in the restricted section, we were also the leaders in the 14Mhz (20m) band.

Whilst National field Day is a 24 hour long contest, Low Power Field Day takes place over two three hour long periods separated by a lunch break. It also has a much lower power limit (of 10 watts) compared to the higher powers that are available to NFD stations.

We also entered contests run by other national groups. In 1992, we won the UK Six Metre Group contest.


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